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Parkinson's UK
Information Desk

Where?  Waiting Area B, Clinic 12, Addenbrookes Hospital
(Go through waiting area A which is the first waiting area by the doors to clinic 12. The next waiting area you come to is waiting area B)
When?   The first Tuesday of the month between 9.30am and 12.30pm

Do you see your consultant at clinic 12 in Addenbrookes?
If so, you might be interested to know about the new information desk that is being run by Glynis Brookman and Viv Keys - the local Information and Support Workers, in conjunction with the Cambridge branch of the Parkinson's UK.

How can the information desk help you?We can provide you with:
*        Up-to-date information on Parkinson's
*        Information about and links to local services
*        Information about benefits and how to apply
*        Links to other Parkinson's UK services including:
               *    Your local Information and Support Worker service
               *    Your local Parkinson's UK branch
               *    The Parkinson's UK Helpline and website

Would you like to find out more?
Next time you're at clinic 12, why not come along to talk to us in waiting area B. Alternatively, if you would like more information, please contact Viv Keys on 0344 225 3777 or Glynis Brookman on 0344 225 3618.